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MER-SAR is Now Open For Registration

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Check Out the Training Opportunities Offered


THE Middle East Region Search And Rescue College registration is now open.

Please go to WWW.MERSAR.COM for more info and to register.


Cost this year will be $65 for Barracks lodging and $95 for BOQ private room lodging.


MER SAR 2014 will be held at Fort Pickett the weekend of May 2nd through 4th.


More Detailed info will be sent to each registrant after registering.


This year the MER SAR Team is offering the following courses.   More detailed info is below and on each course is available on the website / registration form.


AIR-crew curriculum

Mission Scanner Trainee:

Mission Scanner Advanced:

Mission Observer Trainee:

Mission Observer Advanced:

Mission Pilot Trainee:

Mission Pilot – Advanced

Mission Pilot – Certified

Flight Line Marshaller

Flight Line Supervisor

GROUND Crew / RANGER Curriculum

Introduction to Ranger Course “India Squadron”

Basic RANGER Course “Bravo Squadron and Charlie Squadron”

Advanced RANGER Course “Alpha Squadron”

Senior Course “Sierra Squadron”

Independent Study Course “Echo Squadron”

CISM / Chaplain Curriculum

CISM Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support & Group Crisis Intervention

ICS/ Incident Command Curriculum

ICS 300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents – ICS300 

ICS 400: Advanced Incident Command System – ICS400




J. Jay Langley, Lt Col, CAP
Middle East Region DCS / OPERATIONS
PO Box 97744

Raleigh, NC 27624
(919) 870-9915   Fax: (919) 844-0871



2014 MER SAR Course Descriptions

AIR-crew curriculum:

Mission Scanner Trainee:

Pre-Requisites: GES and SQTR with Pre-Req signed off and signed by Unit Commander.


This course will consist of the F&P training (classroom) and at least 1-2 flights towards full certification as a Mission Scanner. 

Mission Scanner Advanced:

Pre-Requisites: GES, SQTR with all F&P tasks completed and signed off by Unit Commander.


This course is for the member who has completed all F&P requirements and is only in need of the advanced sign-offs for full certification. This will consist of 2-3 flights towards full certification as a Mission Scanner.  This course is also open to members already qualified as a Mission Scanner and would like to gain proficiency. 

Mission Observer Trainee:

Pre-Requisites: GES, 101-MS, and Pre-Req signed off for MO with signature by Unit Commander


This course will consist of the F&P training (Classroom) and at least 1-2 flights towards full certification as a Mission Observer.  Note: Sunday flights may consist of back-seat rides which may still be counted towards the MO rating. 

Mission Observer Advanced:

Pre-Requisites: GES, 101-MS, SQTR-MO with all F&P tasks completed and signed off by Unit Commander

This course is for the Mission Observer who has completed all class work and is only in need of the advanced tasks for full certification as a Mission Observer.  This course is also open for those members who are already certified as a Mission Observer and would like to get some proficiency training.

Mission Pilot Trainee:

Pre-Requisites: GES, 101-MS, SQTR-MP with Pre-Req’s completed and signed off by Unit Commander.  Member must also have a current Form 5 in CAP aircraft

This course will consist of the F&P Training (Classroom) and at least 1-2 flights towards full certification as a Mission Pilot.

Mission Pilot – Advanced

Pre-Requisites: GES, 101-MS, SQTR-MP with all F&P Completed and signed off by Unit Commander

This course is for Mission Pilot Trainees who have already completed their classroom work and are only in need of the advanced tasks for full certification as a Mission Pilot.

Mission Pilot – Certified

Pre-Requisites: GES, 101-MS, 101-MP

This course is for those who are already qualified and current as a mission pilot to practice their skills to increase proficiency.  Pilots will be paired up to work together performing tasks in search areas which have been set up with varying skill sets required.  On Sunday, MP-Certified attendees will be tasked with assisting in the training of new Mission Pilot Trainees and/or Mission Observer/Scanner trainees.  Members should have completed the SET course prior to attending.

Flight Line Marshaller

Pre-Requisites: GES, SQTR-FLM with all pre-req’s completed and signed off by Unit Commander.

This course is for those members who are interested in training and becoming certified to function on the Flight Line as a critical part of the mission.  Course will consist of the F&P training (Classroom) followed by two full days of intense field work marshalling the planes of MER SAR 2014.

Flight Line Supervisor

Pre-Requisites: GES, 101-FLM, SQTR-FLS with all pre-req’s completed and signed off by Unit Commander

This course is designed to train individuals working on the flight line at MER SAR on the proper procedures and operations of supervising a flight line.  Course will consist of F&P training (Classroom) followed by two full days of intense field work supervising the flight line of MER SAR 2014.


GROUND Crew / RANGER Curriculum:


Introduction to Ranger Course “India Squadron”

Students will progress through the Ranger 3rd and cover GTM3 Tasks. This course is designed for the member with no training beyond GES. Member will have to complete First Aid, IS100 and IS 700 to complete Ranger 3rd Class and GTM3 after the school.

The prerequisite for this course is: Curry Achievement, Level 1 (for Seniors) & GES.

Basic RANGER Course “Bravo Squadron and Charlie Squadron”

Students will progress through the Ranger 3rd and start on 2nd Class levels

The prerequisite for this course is: Curry Achievement, GES, First Aid Training, ICUT, IS100

And IS700. Member should expect to complete Ranger 3rd Class and GTM3 qualifications.

Advanced RANGER Course “Alpha Squadron”

The students will train through the Ranger 2nd Class Level. 

The prerequisite for this course is: completion of NCWG Ranger Training Weekend or HMRS Summer School (preferred), Ranger 3rd Class and GTM2/t. Member should expect to complete most if not all Ranger 2nd Class and GTM2 qualification requirements.

Senior Course “Sierra Squadron”

Students will progress through the Ranger 3rd and start on 2nd Class levels

The prerequisite for this course is: Level 1, GES, First Aid Training, ICUT, IS100

And IS700. Member should expect to complete Ranger 3rd Class and GTM3 qualifications.

Independent Study Course “Echo Squadron”

This course is designed for Cadets and Seniors working on Ranger Grades of 1st Class, Advanced or Expert. This will allow members to engage independently with instructors to

Complete their tasks individually as required. They will maintain a common campsite and

Fall in for formations as a group.  The prerequisite for this course is: completion of NCWG Ranger Training Weekend or HMRS Summer School (preferred), Ranger 2nd Class and GTM2. 

CISM / Chaplain Curriculum:

CISM Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support & Group Crisis Intervention

This 3-day course combines ALL of the content of ICISF’s Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support & Group Crisis Intervention courses.  This course is open to cadets who are at least 16 years of age and requires a letter of recommendation from their unit commander AND parental permission to participate in this course.


Crisis Intervention is NOT psychotherapy; rather, it is a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention which requires specialized training. As physical first aid is to surgery, crisis intervention is to psychotherapy. Thus, crisis intervention is sometimes called “emotional first aid”. Designed to present the core elements of a comprehensive, systematic and multi-component crisis intervention curriculum, this course will prepare participants to understand a wide range of crisis intervention services for both the individual and for groups. Fundamentals of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) will be outlined and participants will leave with the knowledge and tools to provide several group crisis interventions, specifically demobilizations, defusings and the Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD). The need for appropriate follow-up services and referrals when necessary will also be discussed.

ICS/ Incident Command Curriculum


ICS 300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents – ICS300 

The 18 hour Intermediate Incident Command System (ICS) course is intended for those who could fill supervisory level positions during an incident.  The course will permit the student to develop an ICS organizational structure, list staffing requirements, prepare a briefing, lead or participate in a planning meeting, identify resources, develop goals, prepare an action plan and become familiar with the National Incident Management System (NIMS).

  • Prerequisite: Completion of Basic ICS (IS100, ICS 200), or equivalent training (evidence of ICS equivalency is responsibility of applicant).

ICS 400: Advanced Incident Command System – ICS400
This 14 hour course is designed for a multidiscipline audience of staff who would likely serve as incident commanders in an ICS structure.  Topics include command and general staff, unified command, major incident management, area command, and multiagency coordination.  The course includes group activities, a tabletop exercise, and a final examination.  The target audience for this course is senior personnel who are expected to perform in a decision-making capacity in an Area Command or Multiagency Coordination Entity. 

  • DHS STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that a minimum of six months should pass between completion of ICS 300 (Intermediate) and ICS 400 (Advanced) to allow students to utilize their knowledge of the ICS 300 level information before attending the ICS 400 level course.  Although this is a DHS recommendation only, VDEM supports this process so that ICS 300 course attendees can maximize their learning by both verifying their need for completing ICS 400 and by not attempting to assimilate both Intermediate and Advanced ICS principles over a short period. 
  • Prerequisite: Successful completion of ICS-300 or equivalent training (evidence of ICS equivalency is responsibility of applicant).