12/12/2013–Burlington, NC–
If you haven’t been to Squadron Leadership School (SLS), what are you waiting for? Maybe you are a Senior Member (SM) that joined CAP a couple months ago and think that it is not for you because you are still in your level I training. Or maybe you are a captain that has been around for a few years and don’t see how it will benefit you.
Whether you have been in CAP for a few months or a few years, it is something you’ll want to attend. After all, it is a requirement to complete your level II training. But let’s face it: nobody wants to drive across the state, pay for a hotel room, and attend a two day school because they HAVE to. Hopefully, after reading this, you will attend because you WANT to!
SLS was one of the training classes offered during the Professional Development Training Weekend that took place at North Carolina Wing Headquarters Dec. 7, 2013. It was meant to be a two-day training, but due to inclement weather, students and instructors stayed late to finish up the twelve hours of training Saturday evening.
The primary goal of SLS is to better equip senior members to function efficiently and effectively at the squadron level, and covers topics such as the roles of the squadron and its staff, foundations for leadership, and the importance and responsibility of being a servant in CAP. Maj Don Penven, Deputy Public Affairs Officer for North Carolina Wing, spoke about leadership and stated, “A leader doesn’t have to be the person at the top; he can be one of the troops.”
Lt. Col. Paul Steele, incoming commander for the 111th Search and Rescue Cadet Squadron, spoke about how CAP members, being part of a public organization, are held to high ethical standards. He said, “Ethics, honor, and integrity are not just words to me. They are how I lead my life.” Creative thinking and problem solving was one of the topics discussed by Captain Michel, Leadership Officer at the Sugar Valley Composite Squadron, and the students. “One key thing is input. Create an environment where everyone feels free to share their ideas. Just because you outrank someone doesn’t mean you know more than them. Base ideas on the merit of the idea, not the source it came from,” shared Capt Michel.
While all the professional development is useful and beneficial to help create a healthy squadron, there is arguably an even more important reason to attend SLS. It gives you a chance to step outside the comfort of the squadron and collaborate with members of other squadrons and wing. It is also an opportunity to develop and build relationships. 1st Lt. Bradley, Director of SLS, ended the training saying, “My favorite part of the training is seeing the relationships that are developed during the course.” He also added, “The Wing Staff is here to help. If there is anything we can do, we want you to call and ask. That is what we are here for.”
The next opportunity that rolls around, why not attend? You’ll be glad you did!
1st Lt. Noah Hoffer
1st Lt. James Horne
2d Lt. Nelson English
Capt. Sherry Haskell
SM Daren Haskell
2nd Lt. Christopher Kosub
SM. George Filyaw
2nd Lt. Lee Kosub
Capt Kirkland Johnson
SM Garry Laznicka
2nd Lt. Salvador Estrada