10/9/2013–Charlotte, NC–NC Wing Commander, Col. David E. Crawford, offered high praise for the NC/SC Joint Conference held in Charlotte's Crowne Plaza Hotel. "For those of you attending the 2013 Joint NC/SC conference this past weekend, thank you for making this conference a huge success," he said. "For those who didn't attend, you missed one of the most dynamic and exciting conferences in many years. I would like to thank all of those who volunteered to participate as seminar leaders. I received absolutely outstanding reviews of every seminar with several people telling me that they were the best seminars that we have had in years".
Several members stated this was one of the most entertaining banquets in quite a while, with an outstanding guest speaker, Col Jayson Altieri. The banquet was MC'd by Major Chris Bailey who did an outstanding job.
Wing staff members reported that over 280 members were present during the conference from NC and SC. Of those more than 80 were cadets. 240 people attended the banquet, which is likely a record, at least in recent years.
Joining this joint assembly were Brig Gen Joe Vazquez, CAP National Vice Commander along with 2 former National Commanders, Maj Gen Dwight Wheless and Maj Gen Eugene Harwell, as well as many former NC and SC Wing Commanders and other dignitaries. Special guest speaker was Col Jayson Altieri, USA, Commander of the 110th Aviation Brigade at Ft Rucker Alabama, who is also a NC Wing Member and a member of the CAP Board of Governors.
Col. Crawford cited the contributions made by by many people who made this conference such a huge success, He said, "On behalf of Col Francis Smith, SC Wing Commander, I would like to especially recognize Kathy Gaddy, NC Wing Administrator, Kim Phillips, SC Wing Administrator, Lt Col Andy Wiggs, Lt Col Lucy Davis, Maj Jason Bailey, Maj Lee Safley (SC/CS), Lt Col Shelley Chalmers, Capt Crystal Eudy (SC), Capt Jeff Parcell (SC), Maj Josh Cunningham (SC), Maj Josh Staples, Capt Michael Gallandt and Major Chris Bailey for all their efforts in the planning and execution of this conference. Without this group of people we simply would not have been able to put this conference on."
Middle East Region, Commander. Col. Larry J. Ragland, added the following comments: “I would like to take a moment to congratulate Col Smith and Col Crawford on the execution of a great joint wing conference in Charlotte this past weekend. My compliments to all of their staff members who made this happen.”
Editor's Note: Additional photos are posted on a separate website.
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