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U.S. Government Appropriations Bill Approved

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Severe Cuts to CAP's Budget Eliminated

3/22/2013–Sent on behalf of Mr. Don Rowland

CAP Senior Leaders and Government Relations Advisors, 

Following the Senate approval yesterday, the House today approved H.R. 933, the Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act of 2013. The bill provides funding needed to keep the doors of the government open until the end of the 2013 fiscal year on September 30.  The Appropriations Bill now moves forward to the President for his signature. 

The legislation provides full-year funding levels for five Appropriations bills – Defense (which includes full funding for CAP), Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, Commerce, Justice and Science, and Agriculture. 

Please tell all our members how much we appreciate their tremendous efforts on CAP’s behalf during the recent Appropriations Bill legislative process. 

If you have any questions, please contact John Swain via cell (703) 887-1749 or e-mail Sincerely,

Don Rowland