1/24/2013–Burlington, NC– TO ALL NCWG MEMBERS:
Effective immediately the primary domain for all web and email for NC Wing is now ncwgcap.org. The primary website is http://www.ncwgcap.org and all email addresses are email@ncwgcap.org. To the greatest extent possible any URL that is for ncwg.cap.gov automatically is handled as the same URL on the ncwgcap.org web server. Any existing email address that points to ncwg.cap.govautomatically forewards to the same address on the ncwgcap.org domain. For example my address which was dcrawford@ncwg.cap.gov will now be dcrawford@ncwgcap.org. All email lists such as capnc@ncwg.cap.gov will now be on the ncwgcap.org domain as well.
Any member who currently has a ncwg.cap.gov address configured should take immediate steps to update your email client to set it to use your email address on the ncwgcap.org domain and to change the server name from ncwg.cap.gov to ncwgcap.org. If that email address is listed as contact in E-Services at NHQ - you must also update your contact information to reflect the ncwgcap.org domain in order to make sure that you continue to receive wing based email list traffic and are able to post to the wing lists using the ncwgcap.org domain formatted email addresses. If you have questions about your wing email address and configuration for the new domain, send your questions to is@ncwgcap.org
Col. David E. Crawford
NCWG Commander