6/17/2010–Bagram Air Base–
Bagram Airbase Afghanistan – Lt. Col Jayson A. Altieri, a North Carolina Wing member and a US Army Officer assigned to Combined Joint Task Force-82 (CJTF-82), currently deployed to Afghanistan, was recently awarded the Bronze Star and Joint Service Achievement Medals at ceremonies held at Bargam Airbase, Afghanistan, by the commander of the 82nd Airborne Division, Maj. Gen Mike Scaparrottii.
Maj. Gen. Scaparrotti, said he wanted to recognize his staff "when the boots are still muddy." Scaparrotti will turn over his responsibilities to Maj. Gen. John Campbell and the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) from Fort Campbell, Ky., on June 14 and immediately return to Fort Bragg. Upon their return, many of the soldiers will begin preparations for their next assignments with the normal summer rotation of military personnel. Scaparrotti's headquarters has formed the nucleus of Combined Joint Task Force-82, which has been in charge of NATO's Regional Command East. NATO divides Afghanistan into regional commands with major generals from various countries in charge.
Lt. Col Altieri, a 30-year member of the Civil Air Patrol, will return to Fort Bragg this summer and is slated to attend the U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania.