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Cadets Highlight Civil Air Patrol at Exchange Club Meeting

Sean McGuire, President of the Exchange Club of Hillsborough, welcomes everyone to the CAP presentation
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Sean McGuire, President of the Exchange Club of Hillsborough, welcomes everyone to the CAP presentation on January 14, 2016. Photo Credit: 2dLt Lynne Albert, PAO, MER-NC-150 (click image to view full size)
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Orange County Cadets Make CAP Presentation To Service Group

1/16/2016––On January 14, 2016, cadets from the Orange County Composite Squadron made a Civil Air Patrol (CAP) presentation to the Exchange Club of Hillsborough.

Wearing their Dress Blues, the cadets presented detailed information about CAP’s history, USAF affiliation, missions, aircraft, cadet activities, leadership and volunteer opportunities. The cadet presentation was organized and led by C/SMSgt Taylor Balog. Other cadet presenters were: C/SSgt Cameron Albert, C/A1C Hunter Balog and C/A1C Caleb Mize.

Sean McGuire, President of the Exchange Club of Hillsborough stated, “We are so excited about having Civil Air Patrol here tonight. The cadets did an outstanding job.”

Prior to the presentation, the Exchange Club treated CAP members to a delicious Southern dinner. The cadets mingled with the club members during the dinner and answered questions about their experiences in CAP.

After their presentation, the cadets knowledgably answered questions from the audience about CAP and its’ opportunities for cadets and senior members.