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2015 Burlington Airman/NCO School

An NCO School Student Gives An Impromptu Speech.
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An NCO School Student Gives An Impromptu Speech. Photo credit: C/2d Lt Jacob Collins, CAP, PAO, Airman/NCO School (click image to view full size)
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New Cadets and Cadet NCOs Learn Important CAP Skills

10/18/2015–– Burlington Composite Squadron hosted an Airman school for all new cadets to learn beginning skills for their CAP Careers and an NCO School for new sergeants to learn introductory leadership skills that will help them as they progress through the ranks.

The first day arrival and sign-in was between 1500 and 1830 on Friday for both basics and staff members. Once all 70 cadets and staff had signed in, a thorough safety briefing was given before classes and activities began. Classes and activities included a Great Start overview, an obstacle course or “mine field” team building exercise, and then a presentation on the core values and the cadet oath. Cadets were given personal time for twenty minutes before lights out.
The next morning cadets had a typical “encampment style” wake-up and headed out for forty-five minutes of PT. After PT, cadets came back inside, changed into BDUs and prepared for a special airport tour that lasted just over an hour. When the tour was complete, everyone came back inside for three hours of classes about followership, drill and ceremonies, uniforms, and then had a quick uniform inspection. After the classes, they enjoyed an hour of lunch with sub sandwiches. Aerospace Education was next in which cadets played a short, educational game. Following AE was an hour and a half leadership class on the chain of command, customs and courtesies, and leading the CPFT. Cadets were really excited to have pizza for dinner and then played a CAP jeopardy game. After that cadets watched a classic aviation movie with popcorn.
Cadets were more calmly woken up Sunday morning before they headed outside for another session of PT. When they completed PT, cadets came back in, changed into BDU’s, and ate breakfast. After breakfast, cadets helped clean up the squadron building and had pictures taken in preparation for graduation. Cadets all departed after receiving their certificates at graduation.
Additional Authors: C/1st Lt Noah Stange, Event PAOIC and C/1st Lt David Vermillion, Event C/XO.