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CAP Participates in Practice UDF Training

1st Lt Ron Watkins (front left), Squadron Commander of the OCCS
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1st Lt Ron Watkins (front left), Squadron Commander of the OCCS, leads the squadron’s practice UDF session on May 30, 2015 in Hillsborough, NC. Photo Credit: 2Lt Lynne Albert, PAO, MER-NC-150 (click image to view full size)
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Orange County Squadron Activates to Search for practice beacon

5/30/2015––The Civil Air Patrol’s Orange County Composite Squadron (OCCS) was activated at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 30, 2015 to perform a practice urban detection finding exercise (UDF) in Hillsborough, NC.

The OCCS’s mission was to search for a practice beacon believed to be in the vicinity of Northern Orange County. 
The Mission Base for the practice exercise was located on Landing Trail, in Hillsborough, NC and the Initial Mission Briefing took place at 9:15 a.m. local time.
The Ground Team from OCCS consisted of eight (8) CAP cadets and two (2) senior members.  Prior to the Ground Team’s departure, there was an initial mission briefing as well as a safety briefing at the Mission Base. 
After several hours of tracking the practice beacon, the Ground Team successfully located the beacon in a wooded area near Lake Orange in Orange County.
The OCCS is proud to have participated in this Civil Air Patrol training exercise.