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August 2013 Commander’s Call

CC's Call attendees
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Commander's Call Attendees (click image to view full size)
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Quarterly Wing Meeting Summary

8/17/2013––The auditorium at NC Wing Headquarters began filling up early on this Saturday morning. Members representing all five NC Wing groups took seats in preparation for a morning full of scheduled activities.

The session began with the customary safety briefing, which was delivered by Lt. Col. John Maxfield. This day’s topic was a timely one—Hurricane Preparedness.Col David E. Crawford was next on the agenda with the presentation of several awards. Col. Crawford was assisted by the wing’s new Professional Development Officer, Capt. Todd Lavinder. The following presentations were delivered:


  • Maj. Ed Cook, Commander's Commendation, Apex Cadet Sqdn.
  • Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Wayne Byerley – Gill Robb Wilson Award. This is CAP’s highest senior member award, and it signifies completion of Level  5 training.
  • Maj. Eric Orgain accepted the charter for the wing’s newest unit, The Sugar Valley Composite Squadron, MER-NC-052


Lt. Col. Max Benbow then took to the podium and conducted the roll call of units present.

The guest presentation was delivered by Dr. Jimmy Tickel, a veterinarian with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Service’s Emergency Programs division. Dr, Tickel introduced his division’s Agriculture Emergency Response Team (AERT).  AERT is tasked with providing resources to assist farming communities during and after natural disasters, and this division is interested in partnering with Civil Air Patrol. (See full article.) 

Following this presentation, NC Wing Staff members provided updates in their respective duty functions”


  • Kathy Gaddy and Lt. Eric Grant, Financ
  • Maj. Rob Mason – Operations
  • Lt. Col. Andy Wiggs – Cadet Programs
  • Maj. Rick Lylerly – Health Services
  • Col, Crawford: Reported on SAREVAL, Joint NC/SC Conference  and Glider program update.


Following the lunch break, The Sub-Unit Inspection for NCWG Group 1 was conducted by the Inspector General staff.